Flippin’ for Kiwanis
Flippin’ for Kiwanis!
An Upcycling Adventure in Finding, Fixing and Flipping!
Flippin’ for Kiwanis is an ongoing event inspired by the television show “Flea Market Flip” for customers, members, and volunteers to upcycle a piece of furniture at Kiwanis Center and sell it for more than it was originally priced. With a little bit of donated time, supplies and imagination, pre-selected pieces can be upcycled for a profitable resale at the weekly thrift sale.

Participants do not have to pay for the item they transform but are asked to be prepared to sell it! If your piece does not sell after two weeks, you are free to purchase it at our price!
Use as many as 8 hours to revitalize your piece at Kiwanis Center. Bring your own brushes and paint if desired; Kiwanis will offer some supplies, carpentry, and design support.
Registration can be done via email flippin@a2kiwanis.org
Complete the form below and return to Kiwanis Center
100 North Staebler Road, Suite C, Ann Arbor 48103-9755
The Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation.
All sale proceeds will go to the Kiwanis of Ann Arbor Foundation.
Before and After Pictures








