Meals on Wheels

Kiwanis Clubs of Ann Arbor history of support
with the Ann Arbor Meals on Wheels (AAMOW) program.

Since 1974, the Ann Arbor Meals on Wheels (AAMOW) program has worked to reduce hunger and food insecurity for homebound adults (age 18+) in Ann Arbor who are frail, medically compromised, or have a short- or long-term disability that impacts their ability to shop and prepare complete nutritious meals. Clients are served regardless of their ability to contribute to the cost of their meals.

AAMOW staff and volunteers are committed to supporting the dignity and independence of our homebound community members who are largely unable to leave home because of their health status. AAMOW values diversity, equity, and inclusion and seeks to provide services that are culturally responsive.

History of the Ann Arbor Meals on Wheels Program

1972 Discussion with the University Hospital to sponsor Motor Meals as a community service to Ann Arbor
1973 University of Michigan agrees to do meal preparation and provide space
1974 Meal delivery began with volunteer staff, 98 volunteer drivers, 5 routes, 40 meals/day
1976 Motor Meals incorporated as its own 501(c)(3)
1994 Motor Meals dissolved non-profit status and became a community-supported program of University of Michigan Health System
2009 Changed name to Ann Arbor Meals on Wheels (AAMOW)
2019 Seven (7) paid staff members, 400+ volunteers, 18 routes, 400+ meals/day, 400+ clients

Kiwanis Clubs of Ann Arbor members volunteering with AAMOW.

Kiwanis members began delivering for Motor Meals, now called Meals on Wheels from day-one in 1974.
Members from two Kiwanis clubs regularly volunteer with AAMOW. These two clubs are the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor and Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor-Western. Kiwanis members provide meal deliveries to the clients’ homes, five (5) days a week, for one of the AAMOW 18 routes.
The Kiwanis assigned route has a total of 13 – 15 clients. Since all clients do not receive meals every day, Kiwanis makes an average of about 10 deliveries a day. Most, but not all, clients receive two meals per delivery, one hot, one cold.
Annually, Kiwanis member volunteers deliver over 4,000 meals to clients’ homes.

In 2019-20 Kiwanis member volunteers with AAMOW include:

1) 23 Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor members.
2) 1 former Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor member who continues with AAMOW.
3) 3 Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor-Western members.
4) And numerous non-members (spouses and friends).